A Bibliography of selected Peer Reviewed Writings
by and about Lance Hidy
Alan Fern Monograph about Hidy
Lance Hidy’s Posters: Designs Personal & Public. With an essay by Alan Fern; Foreword by David Lance Goines; Afterword by Lance Hidy. 1083, Alphabet Press.
“The Work of Lance Hidy.” 2000. Philip B. Meggs, unsolicited article, published here for the first time, 2020.
Books Written, Edited or Produced by Hidy
Moral Reflections on the Short Life of the Ephemeron. By Thomas Boreman. Godine, 1970. Fine press book, hand-made with woodcuts and etchings.
The Garden. By Andrew Marvell. Godine, 1970. Another private press book, hand-made, illustrated with etchings.
Specimen Days. Walt Whitman. Godine, 1971. Edited and designed by Hidy – with 133 photographs gathered by him from private & public Whitman collections.

Conversatio; Cistercian Monastic Life. A limited edition portfolio; 12 matted photographs, 8 silver fiber-prints and four Cibachrome by Hidy; text by Carolyn Coman; design by Howard Gralla. Berryville, Virginia, 1994.
Magazine Articles by Hidy, or with contributions by him
“Scribes and the Book”. Fine Print, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1977, pp. 52–55.
(ID file p.307)
“Posters & Passions”. Calligraphy Idea Exchange, Spring, 1986, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 40-8, 7 ill. (ID file p.297)
“Photographic Novels: Ink Theater.” The Ampersand, Journal of the Pacific Center for Book Arts. Vol. 7, No. 4, fall 1987, five illus.
“Hermann Zapf and his Design Philosophy.” Design Book Review, Fall, 1988, pp. 85–87
“The Computer Monitor as Color Canvas and Darkroom”. With Linnea Dayton. Step-by-Step Graphics, Mar/Apr 1991, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.158–68. About the Boston Public Library poster.
“Color Publishing; The State of the Art & Technology”. By Pamela Pfiffner. Publish, June 1992, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp.67–76. Panel discussion with Hidy, Don Carli, Mary Schneider, Chuck Weger, Miles Southworth, & Lisa Wellman.
“The Design Scene: Visual Commentary by Lance Hidy.” PRINT, XLVII:II, Mar–April, 1993. A monthly guest feature, one page for an artist to make a statement on our profession.
“Positive Negatives”. With Linnea Dayton. Step-by-Step Electronic Design, Oct. 1993, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 12–13.
“Judges Special Mention”, commentary; Third Annual IDEA Electronic Design competition. Step-by-Step Graphics, March/April 1994, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 182–8 .
“Calligraphy and Letterpress in Design Education.” Printing History: The journal of the American Printing History Association, July, 2007, N.S. No. 2, pp. 3–16. Published simultaneously by: The Edward Johnston Foundation, EJF Journal, January, 2007, No. 11, pp. 39–47

“My studies at the Free Academy of Gehenna.” Parenthesis 21, The Massachusetts Edition, The journal of the Fine Press Book Association, Autumn 2011, pp. 5–11.
In our feature article, ‘My Studies at the Free Academy of Gehenna’ (page 5), Lance Hidy brings us right into this world with his personal story of studying under artist Leonard Baskin, printer Harold McGrath, and bookbinder Arno Werner at the Gehenna Press. His story exemplifies many aspects of the Massachusetts fine printing tradition, and other articles in our special Massachusetts section broaden the picture.”
—Paul Razzell
“The Illustration and Typography of Specimen Days, and a Lost Whitman Portrait Found.” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, Winter 2010, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 153–59. (ID file p.285)
“Letter Culture: The enduring influence of Lloyd Reynolds.” By Jerry Kelly, with 32 illustrations and calligraphic extracts by Hidy. (Most of them were made when Hidy attended the last of Reynolds’ summer calligraphy workshops in 1977.) Letter Arts Review, Summer 2016, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 4–23.
Books with Hidy as contributor
American Illustration 3. Ed. by Edward Booth-Clibborn. American Illustration, Inc., NY, 1984.
“A Conversation with David Lance Goines,” By Lance Hidy. David Lance Goines Posters. Alphabet Press, 1985, pp. 7–11.
Wir Haben die Erde nur Geborgt; Plakate gegen Umwelltserstorung. Reiner Diederich & Richard Grübling. Beltz,Weinheim & Basel, 1986. Hidy’s most famous poster, Children ask the world of us, is featured in this study of environmental posters.
Children’s Picture Book Posters; 25 Years of IBBY, 1953-1978. Hisako Aoki. Kaisei-Sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 1986, p.55.
The Art of Seeing. Paul Zelanski & Mary Pat Fisher. Prentice-Hall, 1988. Hidy’s 1970 book, The Garden, is used to illustrate modern private presses, along with Barry Moser’s Alice in Wonderland.
The 2nd International Triennial of Poster in Toyama 1988. The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan, 1988.

Type & Image; The Language of Graphic Design. Philip B. Meggs. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989. One chapter, ten pages, a study of the development of a Hidy poster; plus a page devoted to another poster.(ID file p.69, use page 81 as cover of pdf recommend placing PM’s intro page after last page of article pdf)
A History of Graphic Design, Second Edition. Philip B. Meggs. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1992. Hidy’s 1990 poster for the Sioux City Public Library was chosen to represent the use of computers in poster art.
Mac DTP Frontier ’93. Ed. by Hirokazu Mukai. F2 Co., Tokyo, 1993, pp. 118–25, 8 illus. A Japanese survey of the top computer studios in the U.S.
Designer Photoshop (Covers Version 2.5). By Rob Day. Random House, NY, 1993, pp. 10–11, 77–78, 135–151, 153. Rob was Hidy’s silkscreen printing partner from 1980 to 1990.
Illustrator Illuminated. By Clay Andres. Peachpit Press, Berkeley, 1993. Opening chapter about Hidy’s techniques in making the illustrations for the children’s book, Losing Things at Mr Mudd’s.
The Photoshop Wow! Book. Linnea Dayton & Jack Davis. Peachpit Press, Berkeley, 1993. Shows use of Photoshop images imported into Illustrator drawings for a children’s book, Losing Things at Mr Mudd’s.
The Photo CD Book. Linnea Dayton & Jackie Estrada. Verbum Books, Cardiff, Calif., 1994.
The Evolution of Penumbra. Penumbra, Adobe Systems, Mountain View, Calif., 1995. With a note by Hidy on the development of the typeface.
Designer Photoshop, Second Edition (Covers Version 3.0). Rob Day. Random House, New York, 1995. One chapter on Hidy’s techniques in designing a poster for the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
The Illustrator Wow! Book. Sharon Steuer. Peachpit Press, Berkeley, 1995. Describes Hidy’s technique in designing the poster for Leyburn Library, Washington & Lee University.
The Photoshop 3 Wow! Book. Linnea Dayton & Jack Davis. Peachpit Press, Berkeley, 1995. Describes Hidy’s technique in designing the poster for The University of Tulsa.
Collage with Photoshop. Russell Sparkman. Rockport Publishers, Rockport, Mass., 1995. A chapter on Hidy’s technique in making the print, “Two Fences,” with a portfolio of eleven prints. Also published in Japan.
Adobe Illustrator: A Visual Guide for the Mac. By Janet Ashford and Linnea Dayton. Graphic-sha, Tokyo (Addison Wesley), 1995, Chapter 33, pp. 109–13. Illustrations for the children’s book, Losing Things at Mr Mudd’s.
Graphis Posters 82, 86, 87, 88, and 95. The Graphis Press. New York. The leading survey of the best in poster design worldwide.
Lahti Poster Biennale. Lahti Art Museum, Finland. Many catalogues, from ’81.
International Poster Biennale, Warsaw. Many catalogues, beginning 1980.
“The Mission and Missionaries: Arts and Crafts Ideology in Boston’s Society of Printers, 1905–2005.” The SP Century : Boston’s Society of Printers through one hundred years of change. Edited by Scott-Martin Kosofsky. 2006, Society of Printers & The Boston Public Library, in association with Oak Knoll Press, Boston, MA, pp. 37–108. (ID file p.185)
“In the School of Baskin.” In the School of Baskin: Three essays by Bruce Chandler, Lance Hidy, and Barry Moser celebrating the lives and work of Leonard Baskin and Harold McGrath with an introduction by David R. Godine. 2008, Society of Printers, Boston, pp. 20–35.
“Penumbra: The offspring of Trajan and Futura.” The Eternal Letter: Two Millennia of the Classical Roman Capital. Edited by Paul Shaw. MIT Press, 2015, pp. 96–105. (Use PDF already Loaded and add the cover to the PDF file if I can get it to look good. Reload. No need for ID file)
Magazine Articles about Hidy
“Ansel Adams’s Yosemite and the Range of Light”. Paul Doebler. Publisher’s Weekly, Sept. 3, ’79, Vol. 216, No. 10., pp. 73–5. About Hidy’s book design.
“Lance Hidy”. By Nathan Felde. Communication Arts, Jan/Feb 1984, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 76–87, 28 illus.
“Lance Hidy’s Posters: Designs Personal & Public”. By Ann Lee Morgan. Design Issues, Spring 1985, Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 85–90.
“Wir haben die Erde nur geborgt: Internationale Ökologie-Plakate warnen vor der Umweltzerstörung”. By Reiner Diederich and Richard Grübling. Pädagogik Heute, May 1986, pp. 88–93.
“The Works of Lance Hidy: Art as Communication”. By Carol McKinley and Rebecca Myers. AB Bookman’s Weekly, Oct. 6, 1986, Vol. 78, No. 14, pp. 1251–58.
“Poster Graphics; An Interview with Lance Hidy”. By Susan Barahal. Art New England, March 1987, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 20.
“A Photoshop Montage”. By Linnea Dayton. Step-by-Step Electronic Design, May 1990, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 1–3.
“Getting Personal: Tales from Camp Adobe”. By Steven Heller. PRINT, Jan/Feb 1990, Vol. XLIV, No. I.
“15 Fast-track Careers”. By Michelle Morris. Money Magazine, June, 1990, Vol. 19, No. 6, p. 111. Profile of Hidy as representative computer graphics artist.
“Design in the Age of Microcomputers”. By Steve Blount, two pages of quotes from Hidy. PRINT Computer Art and Design Annual, 1991, Vol. XLV, No. VII, pp. 18–23.
“Computer Artist Lance Hidy”. By Frank Romano. Computer Artist, Spring 1992, Vol. 1, No. 1., pp. 8–11.
“Treading the Edge: Electronic artist Lance Hidy blends fine-art sensibilities with high-end technology”. By Larry Payne. HOW, Aug 1993, pp. 58–63.
“Digital Imaging Here and Now”. International Photography, Number 1, 1993. Eastman Kodak Co., p. 5.
“Messing with Pixels; Illustrators and Their Computers”. By Janet Ashford. PRINT, March/April 1994, Vol. XLVIII, No. II, pp. 30–43, 117.
“ATYPI ’94 San Francisco”. By Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin. Deutscher Drucker, 30.3.1995 About Hidy and Penumbra.
“Androgyne Type”. By Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin. Page magazine, Hamburg, Germany, Oct 1995, pp. 68-70. About Hidy and his typeface, Penumbra.
“Romantische Pixel”. [About Hidy’s computer art]. By Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin. Page magazine, Hamburg, Germany, Nov 1995, p. 20.
“Conversatio; Cistercian Monastic Life in Berryville, Virginia”. By E. Rozanne Elder. Citeaux, Commentarii Cistercienses, 1995, t. 46, fasc. 3-4. Pages359-61, one illus. A review of Hidy’s photographic portfolio.