The output of stamps is enormous, and the protection and raising of children is one of the most popular themes. The first United States stamp to depict children was Arbor Day, in 1932, and it was also the first of many stamps to use the rich symbolism of tree planting. I see the mentoring assignment as belonging to an important tradition of stamps honoring children and hope it will be remembered both for its message and its design.
Designing the Mentoring Stamp, Published by Kat Ran Press, 2007
“Let me just say this at the outset and get it off my chest: In my opinion, every graphic designer, be he or she young or old, experienced or novice, traditional or experimental; every illustrator, professional or student; and every typographer, regardless of training, allegianc-es, personal tastes, preferences, or inclinations, needs to read this little book. Seriously. No excuses.
Hidy’s writing is clean, clear, economic, and well balanced—much like his designs. It is informative without ever being pedantic. If I had a negative criticism, which I do not, it would be that I would have liked more of the writing. Given so much dull writing on these subjects it was a delight to encounter prose that flowed well and kept a bright level of interest.”

Of all forms of graphic communication, postage stamps are the unparalleled world travelers. They have always been printed in enormous editions and for the most part remain very inexpensive, even after a century. Because stamp collecting is such a popular hobby worldwide, no other form of graphic design is so lovingly preserved and studied by ordinary people.

The small size of stamps and their wide audience necessitate simplicity and universality. Stamps are also a statement from one nation to its own people, to the rest of the world, and to posterity about what it values. With such responsibility, it is essential to have a clear grasp of what the undertaking involves.